Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Why Herbs

Herbs have been used by man as food and as medicine for centuries. They work with the body, not against it, in strengthening and building the body gradually so the body itself is stronger. Herbs can be compared with food; they feed the body. Just as with food, herbs need to be used with wisdom and knowledge. Drugs have never built a cell they mask the problem so that it appears that the body is getting better. It suppresses the symptoms which usually keep reoccuring in other ways the more often you suppress them. There are herbs that are infection fighters, anti-bacterial, antiseptic, hormonal, diuretic, antihistamine, laxative, antispasmodic, cardiac, digestive, nervine, relaxant, etc. Herbs perform certain functions in the body, just as certain foods contain vitamins and minerals that help certain areas of the body. Herbs store indefinitely, They lose about 30% of their potency in the first 24 to 36 hours after picking, but are stable after that if kept in a cool, dry place. So think twice about what you'll use to help your next symptom. Food in comparison loses more than half of it's value after picking and even more when boiled. ( That's saying it is ripe at the time of picking - which they're not if you buy them in the grocery store ) To actually get the suggested amount of well balanced amount of nutrients that you need daily, you'd have to eat bushels of good non sprayed foods. That's why herbs and vitamin suppliments are the answer. You can get those well balanced amounts with suppliments from a good company like NSP. They have had scientist and doctors formulating the products with good quality raw materials and processed them never about boiling point so that your body can use it at the cell level. When building the body every person is unique. You may notice results quickly and for some it takes longer. We often say keep at it for three months and recall from what state your condition started from. Often there will be healing events that your body goes thru, where you may feel worse as you start to cleanse ( those are usually in more health deteriated situations ) But in cases of colds or coughs things like HRP-C and CBG work really fast. Colic - Catnip & Fennel is a life saver for baby and parents. Sometimes people ask when they can stop taking herbs. There are suppliments that are just good to take all the time. It's like needing food and air everyday. Hippocrates once said - " Let your food be your medicine and your medicine your food.." They take time to build up your body. So prevention is the key. More info on Chlorophyll: It regulates calcium levels in the blood. Studies show menstrual blood has 40% more calcium in it than normal blood. Chlorophyll helps control this monthly loss of calcium. Get it from your friendly NSP distributors: Patti Friesen or Wenona Thiessen in the Winkler area Jane Friesen - Saskatoon area - 306 - 239-4664

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Which way to go

When you have a health concern where do you turn to for advice ?? I am amazed at how many people carry drugs in their pocket or purse. For every little pain they have a ibuprofen or advil. For fevers the tylenol comes out without a second thought. WELL - did you know that tylenol has been linked to the flesh eating disease and destroys Vitamin B and C in your body. It's very hard on the stomach lining and can cause ulcers. Most of these drugs side effects are pain. Well why are they used for relieving pain?? Try making a peppermint tea and washing down the body with the tea. You'll be surprised how opening up the pores in this way can give quick temperature lowering results.
Check in with and type in negative side effects to ??
whatever drugs you're wondering about.
Find out for yourself.
Everyone is getting sicker and sicker in our society. I can't help but wonder why
with so much technology this is happening. Prevention should be a logical
way of thinking but in fact that's not what's going to make money for
a pharmacutical company ( and doctors ). As much as we would like to
believe otherwise the medical profession is AN INDUSTRY. It's business.
Don't fly with it because it's always been done that way. Stop and think,
educate yourself and even though you may feel alone in this way thinking sometimes
you may discover many healthy complimentary methods to staying healthy.
( I don't like to say alternative because we need the doctors sometimes and so my
passion is to compliment not work against anyone )

We all make choices - Don't follow just because everyone else is

Learn for yourself

Friday, June 09, 2006

Best Bang for your Buck

Nature's Sunshine # 1 Best Seller " If you're Green Inside then you're Clean inside" The green drink called chlorophyll is the green blood of plants. It is the life force of plants and contains life-giving nutrients that are easily assimilated by the human body. It has the same effect as iron and is a natural blood builder and cleanser. Made from alfalfa which is a perrenial with roots reaching much deeper than other plants like barley green. There are so many amazing nutrients are in this product for energy , blood, colon and endurance. My family and I have used this product for years. My kids have used it since infancy ( right Matthew) . Because it's so great for all generations, Chlorophyll is my favorite product. People ask me "if there's one thing I could start with, what would it be ?" My answer is always chlorophyll.

Health Benefits:

  • Helps digestion
  • purifies blood
  • fights anemia, speeds up recovery from illness
  • helps relieve sore throat and bad breath
  • helps cardiovascular disease
  • fights constipation, keeps the bowel tone healthy
  • promotes wound healing
  • may reduce the risk of cancer

Monday, June 05, 2006

From My Point of View

I am fully aware that there are many good herb companies out there but I continue to stick with Nature’s Sunshine Products as my primary product line. There are several reasons why I like Nature’s Sunshine. First, as one of the first companies to encapsulate herbs on a commercial scale, NSP was also one of the pioneers in quality control in the herbal industry. They continue to be a leader in this area, constantly testing their products to ensure the highest quality product possible. Because of this, I get consistently good results in using their product and recommend them to all my clients. Second, Nature’s Sunshine has always been committed to education. While so many companies rely on hype to market their herbs and supplements, NSP continually hires top notch herbalists and health professionals to train their people. They are committed to giving their sales distributors a solid understanding of natural health care. This way of thinking then rubs off on the distributors who are also first and foremost interested in helping people with their health. Third, NSP has quite an extensive product line. They don’t boast that one product heals all, which is a business strategy typical for many suspicious network marketing companies. You can tell when health education isn’t a focal point. All you hear about is how much money you can make. What they're selling is hardly mentioned. NSP processes their products with a cold process procedure. No herb has ever been heated above boiling point. This method keeps the enzymes alive so that the body can take the nutrients to the cell level. Knowing this can you imagine how much calcium humans are actually absorbing from highly pasturized cows milk. ( NOT MUCH ) . Try dissolving a Calcium tablet in a glass of water and see how quickly the tablet starts breaking up. NSP's Cal-Mag starts dissolving in a matter of minutes and is completely a pile of fluffy white substance in 10 minutes. There are many many other Calcium tablets from other companies that we've tried and they just sit there for hours. The stomach would have dumped it into the colon long before the body has been able to utilize any nutrients. That's why we often hear " Oh - taking herbs and vitamins just gives you expensive urine and waste." Sure if the product they've decided to take is manufactured by a company who pays little attention to this cold processing. Get informed about the difference in products You usually get what you pay for. Don't wait until you're in a crisis !!